Only 1,800 women across Canada will experience a transformative journey…
Will you be one of them ?

Fill in the following form if you want to shake things up!

Immediate availability in Ontario and the Maritimes.
Waiting list for Quebec. Express your interest now.
Please note that your expression of interest does not guarantee your access to the program.






The FAIR·E project is designed to support women in their entrepreneurial endeavours, whether they are beginning their entrepreneurial career or already in action, by accompanying them through three (3) specially dedicated programs. FAIR·E celebrates moving forward with your projects as a woman and taking action. 

FAIR·E is also about the ÉEQ supporting equity and accessibility in entrepreneurship so that everyone can experience our courses and products.

Learning programs

only 1,800 women will benefit


can be completed at your own pace with the support of online content and tools


includes individual coaching


meet a community of motivated and inspiring women entrepreneurs

You are eligible if

•  you are or identify yourself as a woman
•  you live in one of the following provinces: Quebec, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador
•  you have a clear business idea or a business that is already up and running*. 

* Including for-profit organizations, nonprofit organizations, cooperatives and sole proprietorships.

Discover our programs

Please allow up to 4 weeks before the validation call for you to be guided towards the course that best meets your needs. You will then have 6 months from the start of your course to complete your training.

Make the move : launch your business

You’ve got an idea, a project, but you don’t know where to start? This is the perfect course for you!

Format :
• Training videos
 Workshops and group discussions
 Individual coaching 
(diagnostic + 2h)

Make your business thrive : reach profitability

Are you facing difficulties in reaching the targets you have set yourself? Would you like to increase your impact and reach more customers? You haven’t yet reached your break-even point? This course is for you!

Format :
• Training videos
 Workshops and group discussions
 Individual coaching 
(diagnostic + 5h)

Make it grow : from strategy to execution

Are you facing growth challenges? Would you like some support to help you move forward? This course is for you!

Format :
• Training videos
Group discussions
 Individual coaching 
(diagnostic + 9h)

We help you fulfill your dreams.

Fill in the following form if you want to shake things up!

Created by

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With the financial support of